27 April 2012

Sarah Cross

So way back when, Exclusively Chloe debuted on the same day as Sarah Cross' Dull Boy. We were both 2009 Debs and I was delighted to forever share the same book birthday. Now Sarah's got a new book out on the shelves, Kill Me Softly. The cover is amazing as you can see, and the book is a fairy tale retelling. Which fairy tale? Well, all of them! Okay, not quite literally "all" but a whole lot of them and it's super fun to spot the influences and...

17 April 2012

The Only Social Networking Strategy Guide You'll Ever Need

Today I'm here to answer the pressing question: What kind of social network farmer are you? Technically I know next to nothing about actual farming but I feel confident in using farming analogies to describe social networking because I've played a lot of Papaya Farm, Trade Nations, Oregon Trail: American Settler, and other freemium iPhone games. I can plant digital carrots with the best of them. Mistletoe FTW! Presented without commentary or...

12 April 2012

Five On It

A sorta weekly feature of things I co-sign: (1) Getting By on a Writer’s Income. Written in 1981 but still very relevant. I mean, except sardines probably aren't 15¢ a can anymore.(2) Allison Winn Scotch's entire blog. My favorite author blog out there! Allison's fourth book, The Song Remains the Same, drops this Thursday. Everything else is great every day.(3) How Game of Thrones Masters the Art of Adapting Novels for TV. I haven't read the books, and can't commit to the TV series, but this was interesting anyway.(4) DRM is crushing indie booksellers...

09 April 2012

Stuff I've Been Consuming 3

BOOKS READ:Angelus, Mary C. MooreMaking Movies, Sidney LumetCinder, Marissa MeyerThe Lost Symbol, Dan BrownWanderlove, Kirsten HubbardMOVIES WATCHED:The Notebook, Nick CassavetesJohn Carter, Andrew StantonFriends With Kids, Jennifer WestfeldtAtlas Shrugged: Part 1, Paul JohanssonPage One: Inside the New York Times, Andrew RossiJiro Dreams of Sushi, David GelbThe Hunger Games, Gary RossWrath of the Titans, Jonathan LiebesmanManufactured Landscapes,...

05 April 2012

Mary C. Moore

A couple of years ago I joined a book club up in San Francisco and even though I no longer live there, I still think of it as "my book club." Whenever I'm up in the Bay, I try to attend a meeting because the group is super fun and the people are stellar. Mary is one of the co-founders of this book club and she recently wrapped up her MFA program. As I'm always excited to read anything Mary writes, I'm here to share with you Mary's just released...

02 April 2012

Ready, Aim, Yawn

Unpopular opinion alert: I kind of hated Hunger Games the movie. Yes, I know, it's almost sacrilegious to say amidst all the wonderful reviews and the excitement about it breaking records and pushing the franchise to new heights. But the thing is, the film kind of bored me. After waiting a whole week to get my Hunger Games on, I was shocked when about an hour and a half into it, I looked over at my sister and we both gave each other the "what...