31 December 2012

Stuff I've Been Consuming 12

BOOKS READ: Steal Like An Artist, Austin Kleon In the Name of the Star, Maureen Johnson The Go-for-Gold Gymnasts: Balancing Act, Dominique Moceanu & Alicia Thompson Tokyo Heist, Diana Renn Ender in Exile, Orson Scott Card Unemployment, Aaron Lake Smith Miss Fortune Cookie, Lauren Bjorkman Prophecy, Ellen Oh MOVIES WATCHED: The Central Park Five, Ken Burns & Sarah Burns & David McMahon Killing Them Softly, Andrew Dominik Rust...

23 December 2012

Stuff I've Been Consuming 11

BOOKS READ: Just Kids, Patti Smith Kiki Strike: The Empress's Tomb, Kirsten Miller Gear School Volume 1&2, Adam Gallardo A Story of Debt, Ashley Riordan MOVIES WATCHED: The Trip, Michael Winterbottom Skyfall, Sam Mendes Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2, Bill Condon Life of Pi, Ang Lee Lincoln, Steven Spielberg [fiftyfifty.me | Pinterest | Google Doc] November was all about the books, as I'd cleared the fifty movies months ago. Plus, there...

12 December 2012

Outrageous, So Contagious

Having been in New York for awhile now, I've slowly accumulated some items and detritus of staying here life. Like a bed, got one of those. (Well, a mattress.) There are towels on hand for guests too, a big step forward. And I have three types of hangers. It's all impressive stuff. My roommate has started making noise about getting a toaster oven, although I prefer a plain old toaster. So many decisions when you stay put in one place for longer...