15 April 2013

Never Ever Be Any Good

Listening to: iTheory, "Thinkin' Bout You (The Frank Ocean Project)." From what I can tell, Geoff Ibe is a college student in Arizona who somehow has the time in-between classes to do smoothed out Frank Ocean covers. Taking into account my weakness for anything "Thinkin' Bout You" related, this version is my favorite so far. The fact that this is produced by a young Asian American student pushes it over the top. Throw in a cover of "Weak" Ibe did...

10 April 2013

All of the Lights

Did you hear? The new X-Men comic features an all female team comprised of Storm, Rogue, Kitty, Psylocke, Jubilee, and Rachel Grey. I don't care if this is a marketing thing or whatever, I'm all in. I mean, I even read that Jubilee is the main character and if that's true, I'm about to start collecting comics again. I mean, I run the pre-emiment Jubilee Tumblr, Fuck Yeah Jubilee, on the entire Internet so I feel like it's my absolute calling and...

04 April 2013

Seaweed Is Always Greener

My favorite museum, stretching back many years, had been the American Museum of Natural History. It was the first time I laid eyes on a (fake) blue whale, a sunfish, and many other fine specimens. It didn't occur to me that a better natural history museum existed. Sadly, in a blow to my ignorance and my childhood, I went to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History recently and within minutes, knew that this was far superior. Sure,...