24 June 2013

Maurene Goo

I'm super excited for Maurene Goo's Since You Asked for many reasons, but one of them is that having a contemp Asian-American book penned by an actual Asian-American is so rare. The last one I can even think of is Justina Chen's Girl Overboard. Since You Asked is a story that doesn't ignore ethnicity but also doesn't dwell on it, which is something to be admired all the way across the board. The lip curl on the cover girl perfectly captures the...

20 June 2013

How to Find Friends & Meet People

A few short weeks ago, my friend called me up to declare that she'd signed up for an adult summer camp. "You need to come with me, it's like our dreams come true. Hurry, there's only a few spots left." For years I'd been thinking about how amazing it would be to attend a summer camp, to recreate the carefree times playing Capture the Flag and singing songs in the middle of the woods. Since I was already going to be on the West Coast, signing up...