30 December 2019

Stuff I've Been Consuming 2019

Well, it's that new year's tradition, time to go over last year's consumption! Why isn't this spreadsheet more filled out and organized? Why isn't there an app for this?! I'm gonna go with final numbers of 57 movies and 20 books, give or take. That's um, not great. That's even down from last year's pathetic totals. Should there be a penalty for not hitting the goals? There should be right? [2019 Consumed Sheet] BOOKS: Well, this is just embarrassing....

28 May 2019

Night Time Sharpens

So I’ve had about a few weeks off in-between writing and that meant I had some time to go out and play. "Suffer local, enjoy somewhere else” is my motto. First up was a trip to Los Angeles to see the LA Philharmonic. I’ve never actually seen anything at the Walt Disney Concert Hall I realized recently, and made it an immediate must-rectify. So I gathered up some friends who would be free on a Thursday night — aka people without regular jobs...

14 April 2019

Swing Kids / Seuwingkizeu (2018)

When Swing Kids dropped late last year, I recall watching the trailer and thinking "this is so my movie!" Tap dancing in a POW camp, what is this?! However I believe I was traveling right around then and totally missed it. And somehow nobody in my circle saw it and grabbed me by the collar and dragged me a theater but hey, I don't have real friends I guess. I'd risk hyperbole and say that there was never a movie that was more made for me but right...

10 March 2019

Ranking: EW’s GoT Collector’s Edition Covers

There was a time when I might have wanted to collect all sixteen Entertainment Weekly covers for the final season of Game of Thrones. I used to have boxes and boxes of archived EW issues hoarded away, until the great Kondo-ing of ‘09 —aka my mom made me do it. Nowadays I prefer to save digital images on my desktop and these are the five I’ve selected as the absolute best. First off, after perusing the collection, most of these covers aren’t good,...

12 February 2019

Shop It: 200ml Water Bottle

There’s nothing better than a well written piece about a product someone loves. I’ll point you to Molly Young’s collection at New York Magazine, where she highlights products like dry shampoo, her favorite notebook, and a Japanese Soylent replacement. Or take a look at this recommendation for Rohto Cool eye drops written by Or Gotham. Spectacular! As is my wont, I find myself recommending certain things just from the reviews themselves — a...