28 June 2007

Jesus and the Truth

About a month ago, I was in a room full of friends when out of the blue, I got a text that said simply "5." And I died. What did it mean? It meant that my beloved Boston Celtics -- the second worst team in the NBA last year -- had somehow managed to snag only the fifth pick in the draft.For those of you who don't follow basketball, this year's draft is only two-deep in potential franchise changing superstars (Greg Oden and Kevin Durant). Picking...

22 June 2007

Shine your light on the world

I told you I fell in love with Brooklyn right? Well, the six block radius of Brooklyn that I was in. Two unique places that I have to talk about are the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company and Cafe Habana Outpost.First, the Superhero Supply Company is exactly what it sounds like; a superhero supply store. Its got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty, its got whozits and whatzits galore. Capes, utility belts, x-ray glasses, sub-atomic molecular re-organizers,...

20 June 2007

Triple Feature

FF4: Rise of the Silver SurferI'm a sucker for comic book movies and it's rare to find one that's even halfway worth recommending. Well, if you thought FF4 was bad, this one's better! I liked the original FF4 to be honest. It was breezy, entertaining, and compared relatively, quite excellent. It keeps the melodrama low, the action somewhat believeable, and has likable characters (and actors). The Spiderman franchise pales in comparison. The...

16 June 2007

Melvin Goes to Dinner (2003)

Probably my favorite sleeper movie of all time. Nobody's heard of it, nobody's seen it, it's a great film. The only reason I even watched it was because we were trying to rent "You Got Served" and Blockbuster goofed. We got served "Melvin" instead and are better off for it.It's a conversation movie -- based on a play -- and there aren't a whole lot of those around. My Dinner with Andre, the two Before Sunrise/Sunset movies, and that's it. It's...

15 June 2007

The Circle of (Literary) Life

It's not easy finding a (literary) agent. On the path towards being a published author, a few people are lucky enough to be contacted directly by a publisher, or know someone directly at a publishing house, but otherwise it's all about submitting a manuscript and hoping for the best. Ever submitted manuscripts to a publisher before? Good luck hearing back from them. It's like mass emailing companies to find a job. It'll get to the point where...

12 June 2007

Waitress (2007)

Keri Russell is criminally underused in the movie industry. When they killed her off in MI:3 after a few minutes, what was the point? Everyone knows she was on the Mickey Mouse Club with Britney/ Christina/ Justin right? She's got crazy skills! Plus she had her own hit show (which lost steam after the Pink Power Ranger left, but still).The most unbelievable part of this movie was that nobody saw Felicity's beauty? Please. Only in Hollywood...

10 June 2007

Sound Wave

Hey, remember that time I was on TV talking about the book and blogging? Months later, I figured out how to get the audio up (click here)!Of course, anything to be done should be done half-assed so I only have the audio and not the video/audio synced together.If you want to, as you're listening to the soothing sounds of my verbal stumbling around a television set (I inserted some beats so you can jam or work out to "my track"), you can imagine me...

07 June 2007

In N Out

If you thought Pink Berry's (or Red Mango's or Kiwi Berry's) were set to take over the world, get a load of Yogurt World. Fad foods come in cycles and the latest craze -- if you've haven't seen the lines -- is low-fat yogurt. I personally think Pink Berry's and Co. is way overrated. Stand in line to buy overpriced frozen yogurt that tastes like regular yogurt? Pass.James informed me however, that there was a new self-serve yogurt place in Convoy...

01 June 2007

Paris, je t'aime (2007)

Any movie starring Natalie Portman and Steve Buscemi -- my favorite actress and actor -- would be guaranteed to be at the top of my viewing list. This might have been their first movie together actually. Then again, the entire film is a just a series of ten minute vignettes so they actually weren't in anything together.Let's talk about the movie. Well, go see it. That's it. It's that good. Just see it. It's pretty amazing and even if one of...