28 February 2008

We Are All Witnesses

I'm sure something like this is way old by Internet standards but I just got around to viewing it. It's Improv Everywhere's "Frozen Grand Central" mission and I think it's their best one yet. Simple, effective, and very viewer friendly. Heck, the damn thing got Charlie Todd (the founder of Improv Everywhere) on The Today Show recently.There's really only two reactions to something like this: "awesome!" or "that's retarded." I mean, it's hard...

21 February 2008


I've been having this recurring dream where I'm involved in "Ice Skating with the Stars." I believe this really was a show and I can't fathom why my subconscious is choosing to star in this of all things. I'm not even a very good ice skater. I tend to plant my left foot and just use my right to push off, kind of like you would a skateboard. That's not the proper way to skate at all.Anyway, the greatest thing about these dreams is that they're...

19 February 2008

The Savages (2007)

There's getting old -- as in quarter or mid-life crisis -- and then there's getting old -- as in sick and unable to take care of yourself. This movie's about the latter, sort of. In most people's views, sending a parent to a nursing home is a sign of defeat and/or selfishness. For Jon and Wendy Savage, it's both of those and oh so much more. I went into this movie thinking it was a "dark comedy" but buyer beware, it's no such thing. There's...

14 February 2008

Here Comes the Hotsteppers

I'm a little late to the party since the season is already in full swing but since I'm a sucker for dance shows (and movies) this needs to be covered. Randy Jackson's "America's Best Dance Crew" is on Thursdays at 10pm -- MTV of course. I'm shocked it's taken so long make a dance series about a group as opposed to individuals but here it finally is.My television watching is all shot to hell without DVR but I've been able to see clips of the show...

13 February 2008

Stuff I've Been Reading 3

BOOKS BOUGHT:I'm letting this section go. I discovered the library and really, I don't buy that many books anywayBOOKS READ: Adverbs - Daniel HandlerSeven Seconds or Less - Jack McCallumFriday Night Lights - HG BissingerThe Sword and the Chain - Joel RosenbergThe Heir Apparent - Joel RosenbergThe Black Swan - Nassim Nicholas TalebMcDonald's - John F. LoveThe Search - John BattelleThe Chess Artist - J.C. HallmanOut of Control - Kevin KellyCultural Intelligence - Thomas/InksonSoon I Will Be Invincible - Austin GrossmanHere's a big problem for me....

06 February 2008

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)

If there was a more perfect movie made recently, I challenge you to watch this gem for comparison. I know "perfect" is a word that's readily tossed around and the film isn't without parts that might be tweaked here and there but as far as conception, acting, direction, and execution, The Diving Bell has few competitors. Add in a script that's funny, touching, poignant, and almost every emotion you could think of, plus the fact that it's based on...

03 February 2008

Cloverfield (2008)

Genius. I loved this movie. Not because it was the best movie in the world but because the entire experience was something new and refreshing. You have to watch it in theaters, there's no substitute. Sure, the shaky camera work makes people dizzy, people start throwing up, whatever. If you can handle watching your cousin's amateur wedding video, you can handle this. Cloverfield has been (accurately) compared with The Blair Witch Project but...