Listening to: Phoenix, "Girlfriend."
I could go on and on about why I love each of these blogs. But I think if you just go ahead and RSS them and read them you'll love them too. I don't have the words to eloquently explain why I dig these blogs so I'd better let them tell it. Some of them are long time favorites, some of them I've only recently found, but all of them I'm addicted to and wished they posted every second of the day. So this is like my desert island top five of blogs. And they'll serve as introduction to my new and improved blogroll.
Note: I have no idea why these are all blogs written by women. My guess is I tend to favor confessional, personal blogs that are both well written and funny, and for whatever reason it's harder to find guys who blog like that. I'm constantly on the hunt for blogs that fit this criteria. If anyone has suggestions, please pass them along!
[Through the Looking Glass]
"Overall though, I like the patient population in NY better than the patient population in Philadelphia. There’s more diversity, there’s more of an immigrant/working class/trying-to-hustle-and-make-it population, more parents care about their kids. I suppose you could say that there’s less despair in New York. Less resignation to their status in life. These folks are generally busting their asses. And despite all their non-urgent complaints, I recognize that in them and respect that. There’s more pride. You can see it in their appearance. Shabby but clean. In how they tug on their children and tell them to behave appropriately in public. There’s a human-ness in NY that I appreciate."
-New Year's Resolutions-[Single Spaced]
"As much as I love being a mom, I also need time to just do me. The good news is that I’ve become a lot more confident in this motherhood thing since my daughter was born. One major indicator is that I’ve been able to take myself out of the “mommy wars” context altogether and can say with complete honesty that I’m no longer conflicted about having to work. I’m a lot more comfortable charting my own path as a mom and more confident in my ability to figure things out on my own and with The Huz. There’s a more defined shape to my role as Mommy, and now there’s space to figure out the rest of me and who I am as a woman."
-Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire-[Relentless Miracles]
"From his new girlfriend, he will not face harassment about attending White Privilege Workshops (“Come on! It’ll be good for you!”). No longer will I make him sit through three hour documentaries about Hurricane Katrina and participate in post-film Q&As with the director. He will not need to attend two hour Youth Speaks Teen Poetry Slams; he will not feel guilty about “not wanting to talk about genocide all of the time.” He’ll no longer feel the pressure to vote in primary and midterm elections. His sexual performance will not be graded (“You got a check plus there my friend,” I would say afterwards). He will not receive another postcard from a communist country I have traveled to."
-How Facebook is Ruining My Life-[Magic Molly]
"Late in the afternoon I sat still and watched the Triops. It had rained all day and the dressing for and braving of weather made me long for a tank of unchanging comfort in which to flutter, like the Triops, without rest. And he doesn’t rest, not that I can tell. A thumb-sized creature in the shape of a horsehoe crab, he is always moving when I turn on the light, subsisting on three pellets per day of Triops Food from a white envelope. This is all. His metabolism must be slow. For a thing in perpetual motion, he keeps the weight on."
-Technical memoranda-[The Antisocial Ladder]
"When I was 18, I met my first Hmong friend, who upon initial meeting I thought was Chinese. For once, I was getting to confuse someone as Chinese. She was telling a story about how one of the little kids we worked with kept referring to her as Chinese, but that she was in fact Hmong. She laughed and I laughed along with her, pretending to know what the hell she was talking about. Later, I actually went through the dictionary looking for the mystery ethnicity of which she spoke. "Is it spelled Mung? Mong? Like Mongolian? Is that another way of saying your Mongolian?" My thick head never would have guessed that you needed an 'h.'"
-What Ocean?-