I know the weather outside is snowy, windy, and dreadful right now but... Oh wait, you mean you didn't decide to move from San Diego to New York in the middle of winter? Well then, lucky you. However, if it's true that there can be no light without dark, then I will suffer the next few months and wait patiently for Manhattan summer nights to appear. The good news is that this upcoming summer will be particularly exciting because I'm going on tour! (Okay, one stop on a tour, but close enough)Malinda Lo and Cindy Pon, my fellow 2009 Debs and wonderful people both, just launched Diversity in YA Fiction, a website to celebrate the diverse stories in young adult fiction. They also organized an accompanying tour for May 2011 that will bring quite the lineup of authors to San Francisco, Austin, Boston, New York, and San Diego.
"DIYA is a positive, friendly gathering of readers and writers who want to see diversity in their fiction. We come from all walks of life and backgrounds, and we hope that you do, too. We encourage an attitude of openness and curiosity, and we welcome questions and discussion. Most of all, we can’t wait to have fun sharing some great books with you!"There's already lots going on over at the DIYA site as Malinda and Cindy have put up posts about the books they saw at ALA Midwinter and new January releases that fit under the diversity umbrella. Go check out the site and join the mailing list while you're at it. Personally, I can't get over how lovely the DIYA logo is; that tree is all sorts of mesmerizing.
-About Diversity in YA-
Also, allow me share a recent interview that I was lucky enough to do with Teen Writers Bloc, a group blog by the New School Writing for Children MFA Class of 2012. In the intro they called me "a rooster in the hen house," and I think that's a good thing. Also, find out how I'm so attuned to female sensibilities and thought processes. Don't laugh. I'm attuned okay?
I'm super jealous of everyone in this program because I'd love to have some structured lessons for my writing and reading. And from what I hear, they get some drool worthy instructors and workshops. Maybe I can just crash some of classes because that would just be the coolest. Of course since it's an exclusive and intense program, they would probably notice if some random person just showed up, even if I lurked quietly in the back of the room.
Here is the TWB about page, where they have everyone's bio. See for yourself how accomplished everyone is already, and imagine how they're growing more accomplished by the day! I'm already prepping to attend the Teen Writers Bloc group tour in the near future. You should prepare too. Like buy confetti and reserve the extra-swanky red carpets. Currently on the blog they're going through some New Year's Writing Resolutions and have some great posts and interesting discussions going on. The bloc will become a must-read for you very quickly. Many thanks for interviewing me Sona and Dhonielle!