29 June 2012

Young, Wild & Free

While driving around listening to "Winter in America" by the late great Gil Scott-Heron (shared over here by AMR at T.E.S.T.), I was struck by one of the lines: "And to the buffalo who once ruled the plains." I thought, man, this has to be the only song with "buffalo" in the lyrics.Well, after some lyric searching, it turns out that there's a lot of songs about buffalo! Heck, there are a ton of bands with "buffalo" in their name. Buffalo Tom,...

25 June 2012


Running around in SF with not enough computer time lately so I interrupt irregularly scheduled programming to recommend the following non-books related things:(1) Sound and Fury: The Angry Asian Podcast. Just a few episodes in and the guests have been great, as you'd expect from Angry Asian Man. Episode four is with Jen from Disgrasian. Now if only I could find something to replace all the NBA podcasts in my life. Football needs to start already.(2)...

18 June 2012


I don't know if you know this but in the hills of Hollywood, there exists an actual castle of magic. "Wait, but The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is in Florida," you say. Indeed it is. Newsflash: Harry Potter and Hogwarts aren't real, but this magic castle is. Constructed in 1909, the Magic Castle is a place where working magicians go to train, socialize, and perform. It's an exclusive place where only those with an accredited magician friend gain...

15 June 2012

5 & A Dime

A sorta weekly feature of things I co-sign: (1) Atlantic Wire's YA for Grownup series. You knew about this weekly column from Jen Doll right? How about the The Guardian's teen books section?(2) Sara Sciuto of Full Circle Literary. Literary Rambles just did a fantastic spotlight on Sara from my agency!(3) Get Your Mermaids While They're Hot. I've been patiently waiting for the mermaid resurgence for awhile. I thought they were set up to take out vampires and werewolves a few years ago but maybe now is finally the time.(4) Dear Publishing Industry,...

09 June 2012

Stuff I've Been Consuming 5

BOOKS READ:The Hunt, Andrew FukudaReady Player One, Ernest ClineDelirium, Lauren OliverPandemonium, Lauren OliverMOVIES WATCHED:Avengers, Joss WhedonMetropolitan, Whit StillmanTiny Furniture, Lena DunhamSubmarine, Richard AyoadeSnow White and The Huntsman, Rupert Sanders[fiftyfifty.me | Pinterest | Google Doc]It's the beginning of June and we're halfway there, ooooh, living on a prayer! If I never hear that song again, I think I'll be okay. After...