Two days ago, Susie tweeted me that Jessica Hische had coined the term "procrastiworking." The idea is that "the work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life." So basically I should be web surfing and going through Google Reader as a job. Which is just dandy with me.
Jessica takes procrastiworking to new levels as her side projects are more amazing than most people's main projects. I want to individually link to everything I like of hers but there's just too much of it. Better you just explore her work yourself. Her website URL is Normally that might be a bit suspect but in her case it's absolutely 1000% true.
Technically Jessica's a letterer and illustrator -- who did the Moonrise Kingdom font, the Grantland Quarterly logotype, the cover for Dave Eggers' new book, and a few other projects you might recognize -- but I just love her websites. Look at that light up navigation on her main page. It's so wonderful. Okay now I'm just gushing.
I know that she doesn't do her own coding or anything, but she clearly knows what she wants and the online look she's after. Currently I'm working through her Don't Fear the Internet videos, as I've decided I need to step up my web creation game. As in, get some web creation game.
Hische popped up again yesterday when I saw that her wedding invite was being mocked on Gawker as the world's most hipster wedding announcement ever. Take a look: The Story of Jess & Russ.
I was mid-eye roll when I started noticing the names attached to the illustrations. Nicholas Felton, Chris Buzelli, Jilliam Tamaki, etc. What the heck was going on? Then I noticed how all the images moved, which was kind of cool. And maybe it was just HTML5 or Flash magic but color me impressed. Who were these people? Turns out "Jess" was Jessica Hische.
Of course.
Right then I committed my future self to sending something better than an Evite for my eventual (non-)wedding. The love of my life deserves better than just a mass email and Facebook event. With my newly gained skills from Hische's web tutorials, my lucky partner(s) and I will create an elaborate re/deconstruction of our journey together. It will, out of necessity, be short, mostly fictional, and gloss over all the fights and walk outs, but it will scroll automatically so damn prettily. Yes, I have been inspired by Jessica and all of her, well, life. I hope you will be too.
- Website | @jessicahische
- Designer Jessica Hische Procrastinates Her Way to Success
- Jessica Hische on typography and logos (2011)
- I Am Not a Web Designer
- The Dark Art of Pricing
- Creative Mornings talk: "Grab the reins and fucking do it."
- Mom This is How Twitter Works
In related news, my friend Kelvin is trying to coin the term "bedputer." Since nearly everyone already laptops in bed, I'm not sure how far this one is gonna go. Start using it though so he'll feel better. Also, another friend of mine is in the process of revamping his artist site right now. JMZ introduced me to Nik Daum's site. Daum sort of does everything. Drawing, photography, writing, art directing, music videos, advanced calculus, who knows what else. His web site even has a guestbook, how retro. Plus he's funny.
Yeah I know right? Fuck these people and their many talents. It's enough to make you want to bedpute.