27 February 2014

Leaders of the New School

Listening to: Taylor Dayne, "Heart of Stone." Yeah I just found out about Taylor last week. Yeah, last week. As per usual, my Eighties music butler struck again. Lilly was jamming out while we were working and I'm like "Who is this, Belinda?" She proceeded to educate me and now I can't stop going through Dayne's greatest hits. Technically I know "Love Will Lead You Back" and "Tell It To My Heart" and all that stuff but when you don't know the artist,...

11 February 2014

The Greatest Club of All

Listening to: Lady, "Money." I’ve done a lot of great things in my time, but this could be one of the very best. For the past year, Ameer and I have been tracking our expenses using a very special Google Doc. 2013 was our first year of Budget Club and it was a tremendous success. There’s a wild thrill to tracking every penny and dime you spend. Trust me, there is. When I was younger, aka two years ago, when someone asked me “where does your money...

06 February 2014

I'll Be Your Shelter

Currently pushing: This post from Melissa Beck, ex-Real Worlder and writer of one of my favorite blogs of all time, Princess Melissa. She doesn’t update much anymore but this is a 5,000+ word doozy with a great ending. And yeah, it's about babies. Last year at this time I was putting my thermals and new-ish collection of scarves to good use. Despite the cold I was out as much as possible, trudging around Manhattan, going anywhere even if it was...