Alright, so I’m in New York, have been for a few weeks, and while there’s lots to cover, let’s start with my timely arrival that enabled me to hit a few book events. All exciting stuff, so see below.
- Alexandra Kleeman
- LARB Review | NY Times Review
- AAWW: Heroine vs. City
- Awl Interview: You Too Can Have a Debut Novel Like Mine
- Paris Review: Alexandra Kleeman on "Fairy Tale” (2010)

So I guess I was there in a support capacity, but you know, outside — hanging out with Sona’s husband, Navdeep, also a writer! Regardless, Sona and Dhonielle have a whole slew of things coming out so I’ll have the chance to catch them at other stuff soon. Also, the super duo launched Cake Literary last year, a book development company with a decidedly diverse bent. The world of YA is lily white for the most part, as we know, so it’s kind of amazing to have fellow authors of color who like, get it.
Actually, while I’m here in the YA world, jetting from San Diego to New York meant I missed Cindy Pon’s book launch for her new release, Serpentine. It’s set in the same kingdom of Xia as Silver Phoenix and Fury of the Phoenix and there’s also a follow-up coming!
- Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton | CAKE Literary
- Brooklyn Book Festival: What Could Go Wrong?
- We Need Diverse Books: Interview with Cake Literary (2014)
- The Sweet Sixteens Interview
- Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton on Tiny Pretty Things, Co-Authoring, Diversity, and the Best of Teen TV
- Sam Chanse
- Lydia’s Funeral Video (reading/launch) with Ed Lin and Kaya Press
- KQED Review by Claire Light (2008)
- Excerpt of Lydia’s Funeral Video, by Sam Chanse | Video Trailer (2008)
- An Interview with Playwright Sam Chanse Appearing at Fall for the Book