30 December 2018

Stuff I've Been Consuming 2018

So I made this brand spanking new Stuff I Consumed spreadsheet, to track everything I consumed — inclusive of books, movies, TV shows, music, games, podcasts, and events — and then promptly didn’t really update it as I got lost in the swirl of traveling and, um, not updating. So I find myself scrambling to figure out how many books I read and how many movies I watched in a nod to Fifty Fifty, even if we had retired it for this year. In the end,...

03 August 2018

It's a Small Book After All

It’s a throwback, a Stuff I’ve Been Reading column! Well, actually, it’s just a Stuff I’ve Bought collection because while I’ve been reading, it’s more interesting to look at what I picked up in New York recently. It’s rare nowadays that I bother with physical books, unless it’s used, graphic, or a friend’s book. Everything else is digital because nothing beats the portability of a Kindle. [Note: This is the last post I'm going to bother italicizing...

09 June 2018

The Games We Play

Is this just becoming a recommendation blog? Sure looks like it! It’s been awhile since I’ve recommended some iOS games -- the last ones were Lost Frontier and Guild of Dungeoneering -- so here we go, more phone games... Antihero ($2.99) This gem of a game has kept me entertained for long hours as I suffered through some bad fried chicken in Bali. In Antihero you play as a master thief, and your goal is to pilfer the city before your...

30 January 2018

Five...Plus More

A listing of recommends and things that have caught my attention lately... 1) The End of the F***ing World. Best show I’ve seen all year. It’s a mini-series on Netflix about two dour (and destructive) teens. Think reverse Moonlight Kingdom. With just eight twenty-five minute episodes, The End of the F***ing World is the perfect binge watch. “The End of the F***ing World”: The Rare Convincing Teen Romance 2) Miami Heat “Vice” jerseys. They’re...