29 April 2011

The 13th Letter

Listening to: Star Slinger, "Apollo Throwdown (RMX)." Hailing from the United Kingdom, this twenty something DJ and producer is kind of all over the place lately on my music blogs and stuff. Here's a bonus track, "Mornin'." Current pushing: Melissa Beck's Tumblr. Hey MTV watchers, you know who you are. For almost a decade now, one of my favorite blogs has been Melissa Howard's (Real World: New Orleans). I love it when celebrities blog publicly,...

26 April 2011

Source Code (2011)

The hardest part of making a movie that always Groundhog Day its way backwards is keeping each leap fresh for the viewer. Source Code did an admirable job of this. Sadly, in everything else it pretty much failed. The logic of the time travel and parallel dimensions breaks down under scrutinization. Plus naming this technique "source code" is just confusing if you know anything about computers. It's 2011, we're pretty computer savvy; maybe they...

Adjustment Bureau (2011)

Way to be heavy handed guys. Early on in Adjustment Bureau, Matt Damon asks his assigned watcher if he's an angel. "Um, not really, more like a case worker." Eventually the men behind the scenes are revealed to be doing the Designer/Architect/Chairman/God's work. Okay, we get it. It's a parable. Or an allegory. Whatever.In short it's a Matrix without any of the philosophy or action. The film is about free will, the power of destiny, the even greater...

22 April 2011

O is for Other, P is for People...

Listening to: Luna, "Everybody's Talking (Harry Nilsson)" Talking with a friend the other day, she lamented the fact that she seemed to be getting an extra earful of other people's problems recently. She requested that we analyze what she was doing to be the target of such rants, diatribes, and egocentric repetitive problem venting with no discernible positive actions or solutions. I said I didn't even have to analyze anything. I already knew...

21 April 2011

Hanna (2011)

I heard so many good things about this movie. All my usual trusted review sites, the recent Double X Gabfest, a handful of friends. So why was it so disappointing? (Spoilers ahead) I thought this movie would be amazing since I have a thing for assassin movies. Well, news flash: this isn't really an assassin movie. In fact, there's hardly any action at all. And there are plot holes galore. Why Eric Bana leaves his daughter to fend for herself...

20 April 2011

Ascetic Junkies

Currently pushing: The Failure Series. My friend Sam's podcast about not making the mark. "Conversations, anecdotes, and other ramblings about and inspired by episodes of failure, in all its myriad forms." The first episode also features my friend Yasmine, who wants the world to know that she's only a failure on the inside, but not on the outside. Or was it the other way around? I so want to guest speak on this show. "Failure, ha, I'll show you...

18 April 2011

Apollo World

Currently pushing: I already tweeted and re-everythinged the heck out of both of these links but they need to be shared. A great article about teenage girl friendships, "My Rayannes," and a comprehensive breakdown of Rayanne's wardrobe and style by Tavi (Style Rookie). The fashion post is seriously epic and a must read for all MSCL fans. Oh and Emma Straub, the author of the My Rayannes article, has a book of stories out that I'm dying to read, "Other...

15 April 2011

All In for the Win

Listening to: The Morning Benders, "Lovefool (Cardigans)" and Ben Taylor, "Nothing Compares to You." I guess I'm in a covers mood. Actually I'm arguably always in a covers mood.My sister just sent an email asking me to explain why Shaq's strained calf muscle keeps him out for weeks while other player's injuries only last a few days. The answer is: I don't know. I mean, Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal is old. Like thirty nine years old. And he weighs...

09 April 2011

Green Eyed Love

Currently pushing: Looking at work spaces. A guy I know started this site, All Work Know Play, that showcases people's desks -- mostly artists, designers, fashion folk. And then Julia Wertz posted her desk, and Theresa's drool worthy home office. Looking at all these desks, I'm convinced major work must happen there. Also, here's this article about writing anywhere you can and typewriters in the bathroom.[Update]: And Ameer's rewiring of his desk.Since...

04 April 2011

Blame It On the Icicles

Listening to: The Dø, "Unissasi Laulelet." I have no idea where they are from, what language they are singing in, or what that the "ø" in their name is called. Normally I'd research the hell out of this band but I think I'll just live in my ignorance. And put this track in repeat.I've been offline for a week and the Internet is still here? How can this be? I thought without my presence a corner of the web would collapse. This is not so apparently....