31 July 2012

Need Your Love

Two days ago, Susie tweeted me that Jessica Hische had coined the term "procrastiworking." The idea is that "the work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life." So basically I should be web surfing and going through Google Reader as a job. Which is just dandy with me.Jessica takes procrastiworking to new levels as her side projects are more amazing than most people's main projects. I want...

30 July 2012

Now You See Me

You know you can deep link to specific times in YouTube right? Just add "#t=3m40s" to the end of the link. The best use of this is avoiding the stupid ads by adding "#t=0m1s" onto something when ads start popping up. YouTube is wising up to this so it doesn't always work, but I pretty much automatically append the #t to any video I watch just in case it can save me fifteen to thirty seconds.So lately I've been cruising through book blogger videos....

18 July 2012

Thinkin Bout You

While I've seen some pretty good movies this year, with many more months to go, I can go ahead and anoint Moonrise Kingdom as my favorite film of 2012. I already gushed about it in last month's Stuff I've Been Consuming but since I just re-watched Moonrise, I can safely give it a double thumbs up. The first time around I just experienced it, trying to soak everything in. The second viewing I tried to pay attention and parse out exactly what it...

13 July 2012

Starting Five

A sorta weekly feature of things I co-sign: (1) YA Bashing as an Excuse for Teen Bashing. I really couldn't love s.e. smith's blog more. It's the smartest blog about young adult books out there. And it's not even a YA blog.(2) Nora Ephron on books that made a difference. I'm currently reading through Ephron's collections of essays now, so this was a nice companion piece.(3) Natalie Whipple's Inside A Year Post Book Deal. Her advice for what to do is pretty much spot on: work on the next book.(4) How to Have a Career: Advice to Young Writers. ...

12 July 2012

Stuff I've Been Consuming 6

BOOKS READ:Whales on Stilts, M.T. AndersonEnder's Shadow, Orson Scott CardCamp, Elaine WolfThe Robot Olympics (Tom Swift, Young Inventor), Victor AppletonMOVIES WATCHED:Ong-bak, Prachya PinkaewPrometheus, Ridley ScottMercy, Patrick HoelckMoonrise Kingdom, Wes AndersonThe Chaser (Chugyeogja), Hong-jin NaRock of Ages, Adam ShankmanWar of the Arrows, Han-min KimButch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, George Roy HillTrue Grit, Henry HathawayA World Without...

10 July 2012

To the Skies

Want to be the next Richard Branson? Want to spend your free time flying planes around the world and earn honor, prestige, and fake money? Have I got the game for you. Pocket Planes from NimbleBit, makers of Tiny Tower. I briefly mentioned Pocket Planes a few weeks ago but now that I'm deep into it, I thought I'd come back to tell you more. Short verdict: I love it.While it took a while to ramp up and get enough capital to really start moving...