31 March 2008

Planet B-Boy (2007)

There's really not much to say about this movie. If you like watching humans do incredible things, then watch it. If, for some reason, movies that are inspiring and full of jaw droppingly crazy dance moves don't appeal to you, then watch this anyway and get hooked. That's really all I have to say here.It really makes you want to break dance after you watch this movie. Like, really. I believe the film is only in limited release so check the dates...

23 March 2008

Soul Food

It's hard finding new music to listen to right? I'm still on Pandora's jock but it's nice to look elsewhere right? Apple commercials only come out every few months, after all. Enter Aurgasm, or rather, it's been around since 2004 but I just found out about it."Aurgasm specializes in everything not under the American rock umbrella -- music such as: downtempo, folk, nu jazz, chanson, scandinavian, jazz, cuban, brazilian, electro, soul, jump blues,...

20 March 2008

And the award goes to...

The new Bloggie Awards are up. I usually go straight out and check the "Best Writing, Best New Weblog, Best Kept Secret Weblog, and Best Designed Weblog" categories. I have to say, I'm getting kind of sick of seeing the same blogs nominated (and winning) year after year. I mean, I don't need to know that Engadget is popular. Or that Blogger is the best web application for blogs. Duh. Can we stop awarding sites after they've won once? Wouldn't...

15 March 2008

The Bank Job (2008)

Man, isn't Saffron Burrows the coolest name? Of course, I thought "Saffron Burrows" was a male before I saw this movie but I think I had the name confused with authors Jonathan Saffron Foer (Everything Is Illuminated) and Augusten Burroughs (Running With Scissors). More confusingly, we couldn't place her previous film work until we finally looked her up and realized she played Andromache -- Hector's wife -- in Troy. Her distinctive cheeks and...

12 March 2008

Stuff I've Been Reading 4

BOOKS READ: noneI haven't read a single book in the past month. Which would be alarming except it's been by design. I kind of started "Eat, Pray, Love" but came nowhere close to finishing it. Book club had Zadie Smith's "On Beauty" up on deck, which is something I really want to read, but I skipped it. Mainly I've been consumed with writing, thinking, writing, thinking. I'm in the middle of revising another draft of the book and there's a lot of work to be done.Rome wasn't built in a day and writing a book isn't either. I wonder if anyone...

10 March 2008

Lulu Dark Can See Through Walls (2005)

"Guys. They were the problem, not me. They're so weird and fickle. It's like, they're all desperate to get with you, but as soon as you act like you might actually be interested, they treat you like some insane, pathetic Ophelia type who's going to send them pig's hearts as Valentine's Day presents."-Bennett Madis...

05 March 2008

Insight Men

I've been gorging myself on movie commentaries recently. It's the perfect insomnia aid because you can close your eyes, still visualize the movie, but also get some stimulation while you pass out. Okay, fine, it actually keeps me awake half the night but I'm working on it alright? Some of the time, the commentary is better than the movie -- Spider-Man 3 and The Graduate for example.It sure helps to hear what the creators think in any endeavor...

02 March 2008

Be Kind Rewind (2008)

By the time this movie finally came out (I've been waiting months for it), I had shared the trailer with people as many times as I could and convinced them that it would be hilarious and brilliant. With a trailer so good, the movie sold itself. Since it took so long to finally release, there was just a hint of whiplash coming around too. Would the movie be as great as the trailer?Let's talk about Michel Gondry first. Certain people love Michel...

Vantage Point (2008)

When you movie hop, sometimes you just wander into anything that sounds remotely interesting. Vantage Point had a decent premise and promised to be entertaining right? Well, if you're watching for free, it's hard to complain right? As James quipped to me halfway through, this movie should have been called "29 Minutes."While the differing viewpoints are Roshomon-like, it adds nothing to the exposition and in fact, there were so many "let's rewind...