31 October 2011

I Will Remember You

Hey, remember that 2009 Debs eBook anthology I was talking about a few months back? Well it's here! Thanks to the hard work of editors Rhonda Stapleton and Jessica Verday, The First Time is ready to be downloaded onto your favorite eReader. What's also thrilling is that I haven't read anybody else's stories so I'm excited to tear through them all in the next couple of days. Here's the book description and links to all the contributing authors!

"In The First Time, 25 young adult authors contribute 25 stories all about firsts: first loves, first kisses, first zombie slayings, and more. Featuring New York Times bestselling authors Carrie Ryan and Jessica Verday, plus a host of others. From humor to horror, and everything in between, these stories will make you laugh, cry, cheer, (and maybe even scream) as you experience something brand new from the authors that you love."
Cyn Balog, Lauren Bjorkman, Leigh Brescia, Jennifer Brown, Kirstin Cronn-Mills, Janet Gurtler, Teri Hall, Cheryl Renee Herbsman, Stacey Jay, Heidi R. Kling, C. Lee McKenzie, Saundra Mitchell, Jenny Moss, Jackson Pearce, Shani Petroff, Carrie Ryan, Sydney Salter, Kurtis Scaletta, Jon Skovron, Kristina Springer, Rhonda Stapleton, Charity Tahmaseb, Jessica Verday, J. A. Yang, and Lara Zielin.
My short story is about...well, let me just tease you with a line from it:
"What Perfect Firsts does, at the basic level, is to provide a perfect first boyfriend or girlfriend for people in need. Who qualifies as 'in need?' Everyone."

You're totally intrigued aren't you? You totally wish you had the perfect first relationship don't you? Is my story even fictional or based on true events?! I'll never tell. Okay if you buy the anthology and then read every single one of the stories inside, maybe then I'll tell.

And if you don't have an eReader, you can still download the free Kindle or Nook app and read from there on your computer, phone, iPad, etc. Oh technology, you make my heart sing. Plus you can follow all the 2009 Debs with just one click via a Google Reader bundle or a Twitter list.

While we're at it, let's have a contest where the prize is a free copy of The First Time. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and tell me an interesting fact you learned recently. Let's educate each other! If you haven't learned anything interesting recently, well, just tell me what your favorite mythological creature is I suppose. But if you choose to go that route, I'm a little concerned about what you do every day. No judging, no judging.

I'll randomly select a winner next Monday, November 7th! Also, feel free to become a follower on that little gadget on the right, or stalk my Twitter or something. Both are semi-accurate measures of my self-esteem.