Last August I joined Rachael Harrie's Third Platform-Building Campaign and met some great people. As a blog addict, being exposed to so many sites was like being joyfully let out of rehab. I followed, I RSS-ed, I stalked, I cheered, I invested emotionally. I also tried to start "bangarang" as a group cheer but that attempt floundered like Spielberg's enthusiasm for Hook 2 so we're gonna need something else. Or we can just golf clap or something.
Rachael is currently throwing together a mini-Campaign, running from February through mid-March, and I'm totally in again. You should join too so we can be friends and hang out virtually. Or just lurk literally. Whichever one you want. Check out the Fourth Writers' Platform-Building Campaign information and then sign up and visit other campaigners!
Some bloggers I want to share with you (from last year's campaign):
Angela Brown | Cynthia Lee | David Powers King | Eliza | Jennifer Pickrell | Lena Corazon | Medeia Sharif | Ozlem Yikici | Susan Kaye Quinn | Shelley Koon | Trisha | Yvie Gonya
And of course, the incomparable Sophia Chang. Please don't overlook her personal campaign against word verification. It's a cause that will help us all.

Now I've read a few books about the industry before but I've always been very aware that the book I'm reading is somewhat dated. For example, Jason Epstein's Book Business: Publishing Past, Present, and Future came out in 2002 and when I read it recently, the information was outdated -- which is no knock against the book, it was just more a time capsule. What I liked about How a Book is Born: The Making of The Art of Fielding was that it was just a few months old. The eBook came out in September 2011 and its insight into the industry was very current.
But why pay $1.99 for essentially just one long form article? Well, it was cheaper than buying the actual magazine itself. Plus, efficiently downloading the eBook onto my Kindle satisfied my instant gratification and if this is going to be the future, why not try it out?