18 May 2010

Small Fish, Big Pond

Listening to: Miike Snow, "Song for No One." Since we're watching one of their shows in London, I figure I better post about'em. Miike Snow are Swedish and one of their members used to be in a hip hop band that toured with The Fugees. And as for that name, it "is said to have come from one of their friends called Mike Snow with the spelling of Miike coming from the Japanese film director Takashi Miike." For the record, just reading about the...

14 May 2010

Big hands I know you're the one

Wow wow wow. I have so much writing to do but I can't keep my attention away from the television because the Celtics have given me the best week ever. Three wins in a row, including an epic triple double from Rajon Rondo. Nobody thought the Cavaliers would lose to the Celtics, and I must admit, my rational side gave Boston a slim chance of beating Lebron and Co. after their up and down regular season. But they came out tough from the very beginning...

13 May 2010

Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place

Listening to: Two Door Cinema Club, "What You Know" and "Something Good Can Work." These boys from Northern Ireland rocked it out for us last week. After waiting hours for them to get on-stage at 330 Ritch, they zipped through every song on their album in about thirty minutes, few few stops and just pure intensity. Phew. They sounded absolutely fantastic in person and the lead singer's voice seems fake but is very real. If that makes any sense....

10 May 2010

Iron Man 2 (2010)

The first Iron Man was one the best comic book movie of all time. It was universally hailed as great by fans and critics alike -- and it almost made my top movies of 2000-9. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark was inspired and even though everything played out like you'd expect, the movie was just fun all around. Traditionally, the sequel in superhero movies has been the one that set the high mark. Superman II, Dark Knight Returns, X-Men 2, etc. ...

07 May 2010

Greenberg (2010)

In this movie, Ben Stiller plays a forty year old who does nothing. Having recently emerged from a mental institution, Stiller's character is happily stagnant in his life. As his therapist tells him (heavily paraphrased), "You live in the past because you have no future." This is kind of an indie version of 40 Year Old Virgin. Without the laughs. Seeing as I hate 40 Year Old Virgin, and love Noah Baumbach (The Squid and the Whale, Life Aquatic,...

05 May 2010

For Good

Listening to: Kings of Convenience, "I Don't Know What I Can Save You From (Royksopp Remix)." Oh those melancholy Norwegians, this is just catchy as all hell. Via Musicphileosophy, a music blog that is just fantastic. I maybe co-opted most of these tracks already. Maybe.Like all the best fairy tales, the first line starts off magical. "By all accounts, their paths should have crossed sooner..." Mysterious, frothy, and begging for more right?...