31 October 2011

I Will Remember You

Hey, remember that 2009 Debs eBook anthology I was talking about a few months back? Well it's here! Thanks to the hard work of editors Rhonda Stapleton and Jessica Verday, The First Time is ready to be downloaded onto your favorite eReader. What's also thrilling is that I haven't read anybody else's stories so I'm excited to tear through them all in the next couple of days. Here's the book description and links to all the contributing authors!"In...

30 October 2011

What's a Nubian?

Went out last week to the Diversity in YA Fiction tour stop in San Diego. Despite sorta living here, it's the very first book event I've ever been to in my area. Crazy right? This stop featured DIYA founders Malinda Lo and Cindy Pon, along with their special guests Holly Black, Cinda Williams Chima, Karen Healey, and Greg van Eekhout.All six are fantasy authors and that lent an interesting perspective to the topic of diversity. There were discussions...

27 October 2011

Just Tell Me the Song and I'll Sing It

Currently pushing: Stephen Elliot's "An Oral History of Myself" series. I've been a loyal reader of Elliot's Daily Rumpus emails for about a year now and he's like a uni-directional BFF. I know more about his thoughts and life than I do about most of my friends, which is weird but also fascinating.I recently found out about his oral history series and have been going through them all. The project is this: "In 2005 I [Elliot] began interviewing...

24 October 2011

I'll Show You

Since joining, I haven't been able to do any of Rachael Harrie's Campaign Challenges yet so I thought I better hop on the last one! The rules are over here and this one is about "show not tell." I'm running out the door for some basketball so had to whip this up and hopefully it'll work! And let's hope I don't break anything trying to recapture my youth."Write a blog post in 300 words or less, excluding the title. The post can be in any format, whether...

23 October 2011

Music Makes Me High

It's been a year since my last mixtape, mass apologies. Last time my songs were to celebrate summer but this time I'd like to gear us up for the long winter ahead. While I tried to keep the number of songs manageable -- I already cut down from 80-plus -- there were just way too many good ones to trim any further. For the first time ever, I don't think I used the same artist twice. I know, you're so impressed.If you follow along to my "Listening...

18 October 2011

Footloose (2011)

In what could prove to be my most important piece of work yet during my dance movie review series, I'm here to compare the old Footloose with the new Footloose, which I rushed to see opening weekend. Warning, many spoilers ahead. In short, if you didn't plan on watching the new Footloose, you should, because it's actually pretty good. Note: All category scores are for the remake because no number can reflect how fantastic the original is.Tagline:...

15 October 2011

It's a Small Wonder

Here with another edition of games you hate but love, an update on my current mobile game obsessions -- just in time for your shiny new iPhone 4S's. Two years ago it was Papaya Farm, the gateway drug. Last spring it was We Rule for a few furious months. Then in July we started in on Bakery Story. I was ready to quit my pastry chef career weeks ago but waited until I converted all my ovens and coffee makers into ice cream machines for a grand...

12 October 2011

Sun Was High

This gap in my blogging doesn't mean we didn't make it cross country. In fact we made it very safe and sound, without much muss or fuss at all. Not one flat tire, rude local, or disgusting rest stop to be found. Given the chance I'd do the drive again but I'd take much longer.For example, due to time constraints we were forced to pass up the Oz Museum and Larry Bird's hometown. Seeing as they are related to two of my top five obsessions, visiting...