30 April 2010

I Am Not A Robot

Listening to: Florence and the Machine, "Dog Days Are Over." When we hit London next month, I'm going to prep by creating a special mixtape of British musicians. Florence and the Machine are new to me but she'll be on the mix for sure. I think her big track is "You've Got the Love." And this is the original of that song, from 1991 by The Source.It's come to my attention that some people don't know about the wonders of Google Reader. I thought this...

27 April 2010

Center Stage (2000)

The long awaited second review in my running series of dance movie reviews, here's Center Stage, which might be termed a sleeper but a lot of people have watched it. And for good reason because it's amazing!Surprisingly, Center Stage was not available at video stores. This gem of a dance movie wasn't anywhere to be found in Target or Wal-Mart. With time closing in, and an appointment viewing downtown, we finally got a copy of Center Stage at Barnes...

22 April 2010

Clash of the Titans (2010)

Normally I'm all about 3D summer movies. I get sucked in by the trailers, set my expectations low, and walk out feeling satisfied after munching on a few pounds of popcorn. Well, I'd heard from every party that Clash of the Titans was absolutely the pits. But my good friend was celebrating a very important birthday and wanted to watch it because the original Clash was his favorite movie as a kid. I didn't mind because I'll watch anything with...

21 April 2010

Things I Love to Hate #492

Listening to: Nikki & Rich, "Cat and Mouse." Yes, I'm finally ahead of the curve (thanks Reena)! How can you not love their retro pop sound? Previously, Rich produced tracks for Thicke, Mario, and Luda, while Nikki was a backup singer for Carrie Underwood. Their album is out this summer and I expect it to blow up. I also love the simplicity of their name. None of this Ben Folds Five but there are only three of them. Or "We're Miike Snow,...

20 April 2010

Kick-Ass (2010)

From the minds of Mark Millar, super famous comic book writer, and John Romita Jr., super famous comic book artist comes Kick-Ass. Oh right, as directed by Matthew Vaughn, whose previous work was, um, Stardust. I've been excited about this movie because well, it's got super heroes in it. I mean, just last week I spent an evening watching Hancock twice and then web researching it. I'm a sucker for anyone in tights and a cape.Kick-Ass is sort of...

13 April 2010

We Had a Time

The scene about two weeks ago. My friend and I are emailing, doing some debriefing after our recent Tahoe trip. She then forwards me this thing for a Glee red carpet event and asks if I want to come. It's on a Monday, it's in Los Angeles (I was in San Francisco), and while I'm a huge fan of Glee, going down for a random weekend event seemed irresponsible. See, doubters of the world, I have an adult side and that was him doing the serious talk....

08 April 2010

How to Train Your Dragon (2010)

Remember in Nick & Norah's how Jay Baruchel played the cool guy? Yeah, didn't work. He's much better suited to dorky stuff, as evidenced by his possibly outstanding turn in "She's Out of My League." I put in "possibly" because I didn't watch that movie. I mean, if you actually watched it, you should probably be ashamed of yourself. How is the premise of that movie -- a ten dating a five -- any different than the romantic pairings behind...

04 April 2010

Been there, done that, messed around

Listening to: La Roux, "Armour Love." I think Bulletproof is their big song but I think I like Armour Love best. Then again, the whole album is kinda great. When NKOTB released "Games" I thought they were saying "Oh, ee, oh, oh, oh, gangs, gangs, gangs, gangs, gangs." I saw these five tough looking Boston guys and thought, "Oh yeah, they are singing an anti-gangs song, definitely. Because they know about the streets." In my defense, English...