27 November 2010

Hot Crossed Buns

Listening to: The new Girl Talk album, All Day, is kind of fantastic and available for free as always. I think he put in a lot more pop friendly stuff this time around and that makes the album eminently danceable. Someone please throw a party and just throw this on. The album contains something like 375 samples, and I'd be curious how he avoids copyright issues. Some genius put together this samples breakdown of the whole album. It's kind of...

23 November 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

I'll say it right up front, I thought this was the best Harry Potter movie. Maybe it wasn't the most enjoyable or the most complete, but this was the best film of the seven. The kids can all finally act, there were no ridiculous moments (well okay one or two), and everything was just done really well. Heck, the first thirty minutes was like a cool action thriller. I had no idea what to expect in this installment as I hadn't read the last book...

18 November 2010

We Are Family

So this week saw the release of Path, a social network for fifty of your closest friends. Instead of trying to befriend everyone you know, Path is for personal connections, where exclusivity is king. They arrived at fifty by using Dunbar's Number, which is "a theoretical cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships." I learned about this awhile ago, pre-Friendster, and always wondered how having...

13 November 2010

Yes, You Look Wonderful Tonight

Currently pushing: Glitterboo, a site that allows you to add sparkle and magical effects to your photos. Now you know what to gift for the holidays. There's not much that can't be made better by glitter. To paraphrase Chris Rock, "mo 'tussin!" Mo'glitter, as it were. See, I super glittered the EC cover and it's now demanding to be made into a wall sized poster. Wouldn't you agree?So I mentioned I have a book event coming up right? It's in exactly...

12 November 2010

Whip My Hair

Listening to: LCD Soundsystem, "New York I love you, but you're bringing me down."It's true, I made it to the East Coast. Bust the windows out your car! After a night of hurried packing and attempts to purchase a winter coat, I made it to New York a few days ago. This may not sound like much of an accomplishment since all it takes to make it somewhere is hopping on a plane and then not getting struck by lightning, however I'm celebrating a mental...

04 November 2010

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (2009)

The strange thing about this trilogy is how the last movie contains little to no new information. Two and a half hours of a legal drama later and we get the ending we expect and the revelations we already know. Sure there's some talk about a rogue group within the police, one who has been pulling the strings all along, but this group's motivations and depiction are typical and a little boring. In fact, were I not so invested into this series already...

02 November 2010

Number 5 is Alive

Currently pushing: I can't believe I haven't shared this before, but Julia Wertz is an autobiographical cartoonist and her work is amazing. I saw Fart Party 2 on the shelf awhile ago and thought by title alone it wouldn't be up my alley but as it turned out, Fart Party was exactly my type of party. Wertz's latest book, "Drinking at the Movies," chronicles her transition from San Francisco to New York, which makes it especially relevant to me right...