28 October 2009

Where the Wild Things Are (2009)

Hey, this movie doesn't suck! I'd been reading mixed reviews online, and all of my friends who've seen it gave it a hearty thumbs down so I went in with the lowest of expectations. However, the movie was neither dull nor boring. It wasn't bad at all actually. And the little boy who plays Max? He was wonderful. I can see him doing the US version of "Let the Right One In." I don't have a lot more to say here except that I enjoyed this. I thought...

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)

If you're going to movie hop you just waltz into whatever the most convenient start time is. That's how I ended up at Cirque du Freak. And I won't lie, I enjoyed it. The whole vampire thing has been done over and over (and is still going) but this young adult series started in 2000 so maybe it's a bit ahead of the curve. The premise is interesting. A guy is turned into a half-vampire and lives with a circus of freaks in order to well, assist a real...

20 October 2009

Radio Raheem

I come to New York to recharge. Not like relax and clear my mind but the exact opposite. I need the weeks I spend here to fill me up with ideas, stimulation, and energy for the next eleven months -- or whenever I can visit again. I'd love to move here right now but last week's up and down weather reminded me why I instituted my "only live in warm places" policy.I used to always wear sweatpants (usually an unsightly pair of forest green ones) under...

12 October 2009

Whip It (2009)

Listening to: The Chordettes, "Lollipop (Squeak E. Clean & Desert Eagles Remix)." On the soundtrack and incredibly catchy after five seconds. It's a must listen, and for Amit and I, a must own right after walking out of the movie. Just obsess over it already.Who doesn't love themselves some Ellen Page? While it may be time for her to tackle some other types of roles, I guess there's nothing wrong with Ms. Ellen playing the snarky little girl...

08 October 2009

Us Two

Listening to: KT Tunstall, "Heal Over." This is an oldie but a way goodie. It just sets that reflective / melancholy mood doesn't it?I'm leaving in a few days for a late in the year East Coast swing. I generally avoid cold weather but I've been yapping about going out there so it was put up or shut up time. I don't think I can really soak in enough New York / East Coast in two weeks but I'm going to have to do my best. I am excited to eat ramen,...

04 October 2009

Let the right one in

Listening to: April March, "Chick Habit." I saw Tarantino's "Death Proof" a few weeks ago and we know Quetin always chooses amazing songs. This one will stick in your head for days after just one listen. A few years ago, Bill Simmons came up with the amazing idea to start a celebrity fantasy league. I immediately pulled a few friends together and tried it out for a summer. That experience (kind of) led to the writing of Exclusively Chloe. During...

02 October 2009

Miss Info

"Growing up, I always assumed that people who wrote books couldn’t possibly behave like most people I knew. Actually, I applied this assumption to anyone in the public eye: actors, politicians, musicians, even some of my own teachers. They were all doing Important Things, and I couldn’t imagine that they would ever get raspberry seeds stuck between their teeth or lose their keys or fart. They were above such things, and they probably had servants...